Qi Gong Success - Prescriptions for Health, Wealth & Happiness

Qi Gong Success - Prescriptions for Health, Wealth & Happiness
Item# 1QGSxs
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Product Description

Ra Un Nefer Amen

Ra Un Nefer Amen reveals for the first time to the world ancient Chinese secrets that have been kept secret by religious sects and elite martial dojos for the past four thousand years for optimum mental, physical and spiritual performance. You will learn how to use simple and effective exercises, diet, herbs and self-massage to acquire the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual abilities of successful people. Qi gong which is a system of life force (qi) cultivation will enable you to achieve clear thinking and reasoning, focus, perseverance, courage, optimum concentration, efficient long and short term memory, to envision your callings in life and the best methods to achieve them. It will supercharge your relationships by increasing your warmth and charisma, and your ability to harmonize with others. You will increase your physical, emotional and mental strength and endurance to work without fatigue and to persevere in the fact of obstacles and obstructions. You will awaken and strengthen your psychic ability to improve your opportunities for success by attracting the assistance you need and warding off unnecessary interferences. Whatever are your shortcomings-procrastination, fear of failure or of success, worrying, anger, lack of self control-they will begin to be in six weeks of serious application things of the old you. You will find the teachings in this book applicable to any and all of your interests in life as they are all enabled by your qi-life force. This book is for everyone, yet it will be of special interest to professionals in the holistic healing field, psychologists (clinical and theoretical), philosophers, priests, educators, martial artists and athletes, performance artist, business professionals and students on all levels.
