Black Stars - African American Teachers

Product Description
by Clinton Cox, James Haskins (Editor)
Meet the black teacherswho spread the gift of knowledge—from the early years to modern timesBenjamin BannekerMary McLeod Bethune Francis Louis Cardozo Peter Humphries ClarkDaniel Coker Marva Delores CollinsJames P. Comer, M.D.Sarah Mapps Douglass W. E. B. Du BoisCatherine (Katy) Ferguson Charlotte Forten GrimkYeWilliam Leo Hansberry Patrick Francis HealyMozell Clarence HillJohn Hope Mae Carol Jemison, M.D. Mordecai Wyatt JohnsonRobert Russa Moton Mary Smith Peake Susie King TaylorMary Church Terrell James Milton Turner Alexander Lucius TwilightBooker T. WashingtonCarter G. Woodson.
Children's Literature:
Of all of the books that I have read about African Americans, this one has affected me the most, perhaps it is because it is about educators. As a child, education was always stressed. "Get a college education." "You're going to college." Because of this I developed a passion for education. All of the African American teachers documented in this book had that passion¾education is the way; education is the only way to achieve equality and freedom. Many of these early teachers obtained their education in secret. African American Civil War soldiers studied during the war when they were off the battlefield, and they carried their books with them while fighting in the war. Many of these educators were founders and builders of today's Black Colleges. Much of their support initially came in nickels and dimes and funds from missionary societies and churches. They had the passion and the love. Mary McLeod Bethune stated it so well in her last will and testament to Black Americans. She said, "I leave you love; I leave you hope; I leave you a thirst for education...I leave you a desire to live harmoniously with your fellow men; I leave you a responsibility to our young people." She died May 18, 1955, two weeks before I graduated from college. This book is part of the "Black Star" series. 2000, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
CLINTON COX, a journalist and award-winning childrenis book author, has been twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Several of his childrenis books have been honored as CBS/NCSS Notable Childrenis Trade Books in the Field of Social Studies. Jim Haskins has written more than 100 books for young readers. He is Professor of English at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and the winner of numerous awards, including the Washington Post Childrenis Book Guild Award for the body of his work.
Paperback: 172 pages