Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden

Product Description
by Carroll Quigley
Brand new paperback. 354 pages. Unabridged reprint. A conclusive work which discloses the program of an obscure society, "The Round Table, " established by British Colonial Statesman Cecil Rhodes, who served as an agent for Lord Nathan Rothschild. Former President Bill Clinton's political mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown, was the first credible authority to reveal that an unelected, unaccountable elite had played a major role in directing the British empire in the first decades of the twentieth century. The Anglo-American Establishment is a detailed account of the growth and operations of that group, from its origins in Cecil Rhodes" arcane society to its progressive role in fostering the Commonwealth of Nations. Indispensable for anyone who seeks a case study to verify Disraeli"s assertion that "the world is governed by far other than those whom the public believe to be its rulers. "
Paperback: 359 pages