Product Description
Over the past century, artists of African descent have become the subjects and objects of serious study. So has the art they have produced. Cultural renaissances occurred in African and African Diasporan societies around the globe during the twentieth century. In virtually every instance, visual arts movements and schools were created to celebrate and promote the work of black artists. As a consequence, the century produced and identified more artists of African descent than all the previous centuries combined.
To help commemorate the Schomburg Center’s eightieth anniversary, this book of postcards offers just a sampling of the diverse forms of artistic expression and trends documented in the Center’s collection. Part of a long and enduring tradition of art-making in the African world, these works eloquently attest to the fact that African peoples, like all members of the human family, have been actively and creatively involved in producing art of extraordinary beauty, meaning, and power, regardless of where and under what circumstances they have lived.
Thirty full-color oversized postcards (6 1/2 x 4 3/4 in.) in a handy bound collection. ISBN 0-7649-3718-9.