FAMA'S Ede Awo (Orisa Yoruba Dictionary)

FAMA'S Ede Awo (Orisa Yoruba Dictionary)
Item# 0964424789
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Product Description

by FAMA Aina Adewale-Somadhi

A new Yoruba dictionary compiled by Chief FAMA with a focus on Orisa language. The language is spoken everywhere in the diaspora, but few, if any, existing Yor--b dictionaries address this unique language in their text. FAMA'S EDE AWO (Oria Yoruba Dictionary), is a well researched dictionary. The meanings of aboru, aboye, abosise, ase, eegun, iba, Oluwo, Ojubona, etc., are no longer mysteries. Nothing feels better than "My own copy." Order yours with the Orisas endorsements.

Paperback: 5 x 8, 178 pages.