Product Description
by Anyim Palmer
I wrote The Failure of Public Education in the Black Community for a number of reasons. Actually, several books could be written explaining the failure from a different perspective.
I sincerely trust that the message this book conveys will somehow be heard. The message of course, is that it can be conclusively demonstrated, as well as documented, that the American public school is and has been for generations wreaking havoc upon the Black/African race. Tragically, little is being done to counter this documented destruction. In this regard, it can in truth be said that the Black/African race in a sense, is a party in a second negative history. The first negative history of course, was the slave trade. The second negative history is the manner in which the Black/African race so blandly tolerated the wicked, brutal and satanic trade in the flesh of our beloved ancestors. Should there be a "doubting Thomas" among you, simply consult the test scores of our young people that appear each year in various media. They are appalling and criminal, and demonstrate beyond contention that the American public school is the primary destructor of our once great race. Should this publication fail to bring light to our people, we are indeed doomed. In summary, we must build our own schools and educate our own.
Hardcover: 229 pages