Iodine - Why You Need It - Why You Can't Live Without It

Product Description
by Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. Brownstein has expanded and updated this book with all the latest information about iodine. The entire book has been updated with new case histories. In addition, there are three NEW chapters which provide information about:
What iodine does in the body
Why autoimmune thyroid disorders form from a low iodine state
Why it is so important to ensure an adequate selenium intake
Dr. Brownstein feels iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. He feels it is impossible to achieve your optimal health when there is iodine deficiency present. This book provides information on how iodine therapy can help:
Breast Cancer
Fibrocystic Breasts
Graves' Disease
Hashimoto's Disease
Improve the Immune System
This book will show you Dr. Brownstein’s latest research about iodine. He feels a large segment of the population is currently suffering from iodine deficiency. Ensuring adequate iodine levels is essential to helping you achieve your optimal health. Dr. Brownstein will provide you with all new information on the importance of iodine.