Product Description
by Lenora B. Fulani
Despite the fact that Dr. Lenora Fulani was the 1st woman and the 1st African-American to get on the ballot in all 50 states when she ran for President as an independent in 1988, many people still have not heard of her. This book is about Dr. Fulani's growing up, her adult life, and her experience of running for president as an independent (the second time, in 1992). It is engaging and interesting. There are a lot of pictures of Dr. Fulani from the campaign and from her childhood. I liked reading about her life and about things that happened during the campaign that were positive and moving. There were nasty and hateful things that happened, as well. It's a real education into what goes on in a campaign if you are not one of the "big boys" (for example, Dr. Fulani was excluded from debates and was not given equal time on radio and T.V.). I think it is very positive and hopeful for our country that Dr. Fulani has received support from people of all colors, gend! ers, economic levels, ages, etc., all across the country. There are many narratives about encounters she has with "regular" people all over the United States. I highly recommend this book if you are at all interested in a human and humane perspective on politics in America.
Paperback: 241 pages