Product Description
Artist: Baka and Beyond
With his second album inspired by the Cameroon-based Baka pygmies, Martin Cradick continues to tweak his winning ethnic fusion formula, juxtaposing a variety of cultural influences with colorful African rhythms. Not only do many of the songs on THE MEETING POOL feature instrumentation/rhythmic elements indigenous to the tribe, but many are also based on actual Baka songs. Paddy Le Mercier's violin playing gives several of the tracks a strong Celtic flavor, especially the haunting "Ohureo," which is based on a Scottish lullaby. Another interesting track is "Ancestor's Voice" which utilizes the highly unique sound of Nahwia water drum. Every track on the album features a melting pot of different styles and ideas that showcases the creativity of Cradick and the organic beauty of Baka musical culture.