Product Description
edited by Pamela S. Brown and Fassil Yirgu
The Ethiopian armies led by Emperor Menelik II defeated the Italian armies at the Battle of Adwa on March 1, 1896 after vain attempts to prevent Italy from invading Ethiopia. In 1896 the world was informed of this battle and its outcome with etchings, diaries and news articles in the American and European press. This defeat of the Italians by Ethiopians shattered the myth of European superiority. One House tells this story through art, fiction, poetry and essay. Paintings from the turn of the century through the battle's centennial anniversary retell the story. Poetry reveals a fresh impact of these events on the African psyche of today as Adwa reversed the "scramble for Africa" and inspired freedom movements in America, Africa and the Caribbean. One House demonstrates how an historic event has influenced generation of people interested in Ethiopia and how Adwa serves as a continued inspiration for contemporary movements. Under the editorial guidance of Pamela Brown and Fassil Yirgu, many contributors from widely different backgrounds have helped to create this memorial and history of a pivotal event of the Ethiopian nation
Hardcover: 144 pages