Product Description
by The Nation of Islam
Reviewer: A reader (Pittsburg, CA USA)
I am not black, I am not Jewish. I am a European born Christian white male. This book goes to doccument many many accounts of Jewish people owning slaves and being the main rullers of the slave trade. I am familiar with Jews throughout history and this does not surprise me. With their modern day control of the media, movies, television, newspapers, magazines, etc of course they would not like this book to be read by the masses. Why? Because after reading it, if you are black, white, jewish, christian, etc you come to one startling conclusion. The Jews are the ones who enslaved black people and they are the ones who promoted and sold slaves alot more than Christian White Males did. Knowing that, would all of the angry black people in america still blame the White Christian male for, they would not...they would blame the Jews. This book is written by the Nation of Islam. It is very well put together and contains sources for all of the information in it. If you want the TRUTH about slavery and not the media mainstream version pick this book up
Paperback: 334 pages