Straight Speaking for Africa

Product Description
by Denis Sassou Nguesso
In this fascinating book, part history, part biography and broad political discourse, President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of the Congo, details his perspectives on his long engagement in leading his country in the post-colonial era, and his role in the liberation of Southern Africa.
President Nguesso provides a bold and clear African perspective of Africa's quest for development and change and its place in the globalized world system. Anchored in a region that is surrounded by crisis, and the challenges of both resources, goverance and environment, the President of this small, mineral rich nation, espouses a future of modernity fully integrated with its sub-region and global community.
"In President Denis Sassou Nguesso, I recognize a man who is not only one of our great African leaders...but also one of those who gave their unconditional support to our fighters' demand for freedom, and who worked tirelessly to free oppressed peoples from their chains and help restore their dignity and hope..." - Nelson Mandela from the Foreword."
Paperback: 272 pages