Tales from the Time Loop: The Most Comprehensive Expose of the Global Conspiracy Ever Written and All You Need to Know to Be Truly Free

Product Description
by David Icke
This is a great book. David Icke is an amazing prophet, channel, and teacher. This book reveals the TRUE history of Earth and dispels the lies and cover-ups we've been fed for centuries. This book will destroy The Illuminati and usher in The Golden Age of Enlightenment. If you don't know who The Illuminati are then read this book as soon as possible! David does an outstanding job of summarizing The Illuminati's secret control over the political, economic, and social landscape of Earth. But more importantly, in this book David teaches us how to become Powerful Spiritual Masters. The kind of Spiritual Masters who will band together and collectively oust The Illuminati forever. David Icke is a New Age prophet and is being 'guided' by all the Ascended Masters and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy! For this reason New Agers and Lightworkers will connect with all of David's work and this book in particular. On the other hand, atheists, religious fundamentalists, and those steeped in dogma and indoctrination will have a very hard time wrapping their one-dimensional mind around David's multi-dimensional perspectives. Thank God for David Icke and the thousands of Lightworkers and New Agers around the globe. They're saving the planet while the rest of humanity watches mindless TV.
Paperback: 503 pages