Product Description
by Master Naba
What is the Sidereal Calendar?
The Sidereal Calendar represents a new approach to time division. Based on the star Sirius and the Orion constellation, it is the only calendar that uses an exact cycle for the division of time. Used before and during the Pharaonic period, this is the only calendar that is not based on socio-religious events.
How Does the Sidereal Calendar Work?
Each year is divided into twelve months of thirty days and one month of five or six days. Each month is governed by a God or Goddess who guides the destiny of those born within that month.
Tehuti (September 10-October 9) - Aishat (Isis)
Faufega (October 10-November 8) - Mahata (Maat)
Ikther (November 9-December 8) - Sereky (Serket)
Khuiakh (December 9-January 7) - Naita (Neith)
Tepi (January 8- February 6) - Inipu (Anubis)
M'Khir (February 7-March 8) - Heru (Horus)
Faamen-t (March 9-April 7) - Taouret (Theouris)
Faarmutet (April 8-May 7) - Imin (Amon)
Pekhn (May 8-June 6) - Hetheru (Hathor)
Payhini (June 7-July 6) - Nfertmu (Nefertoum)
Ipfi (July 7-August 5) - Sebik (Sebek)
Mesut-Re (August 6-September 4) - Hakru (Akeru)
Nwt (September 5-September 10) - Nwt (Nout)
Each month is divided into three dekans, or period of ten days. The ten-day week was the original length of a week; the introduction of a seven day week was purely a political decision and has no base in spritiuality or astronomy.
Why are there Thirteen Months?
In the beginning, the year consisted of twelve months of thirty days. The thirteenth month of five or six days was added later, to allow Nwt to give birth to five deities. Nwt (Nout), the Goddess of the Sky, and Geb, the God of the Earth, were caught in the act of procreation by the Great God Ra. Ra became angry at the Goddess' rush to create, and he punished Nwt by forbidding her to bear children all 360 days of the year. Nwt was devastated and decided to appeal her plight to the Ennead of Gods. The Ennead felt sorry for Nwt and decided to add extra days to the year so that she could bear children. Thus, the month of Nwt was born, and Nwt was able to bear her five children.
What are the Advantages of the Sidereal Calendar?
The astronomical reality is that 365 or 366 days do not represent a year - these time periods are, in reality, seasonal cycles. The Sidereal cycle of the Sirius Star is the only cycle that includes the seasonal cycles of Earth (the cycle of the Sun in comparison with the movements of Earth) while maintaining an exact astronomical division of time. The star Sirius is located in the Orion constellation. Sirius rises directly behind the sun once every 1460 years. This event is called the Heliacal Rising. This cycle of Sirius is an exact cycle, making it an ideal base for measuring time division. Every 1460 years, Sirius completes its cycle. This cycle is called the Great Year. The Great Year is divided into Medium Years, consisting of 1461 days each. Each Medium Year is divided into Small Years (seasonal years) of 365 or 366 days.
Most calendars originate from socio-religious events. These calendars have no real reference to time - faith and belief function as their basis. This Kemetic calendar gives humanity a division of time that complies with astronomical reality while offering an understandable and convenient measure of time for our daily lives.
Original Gods and Goddesses (modern day "horoscopes" have copied this knowledge to form the astrology readings of today) are kept, and the original Kemetic spiritual days are preserved. Original kemetic names of months and days of the week help us in our efforts to grasp the original knowledge of the Ancestors. While we situate ourselves within real space and time, the knowledge of the Great Pharaohs is here to guide us on our journey.