The War on Freedom: The 9/11 Conspiracies

Product Description
by Jim Marrs
From the NYT best-selling author of Crossfire and Rule by Secrecy, this self-published book is the definitive journalistic account exposing the official cover-up of the foreknowledge of the 9/11 events by the Bush administration. Marrs weaves into his comprehensive coverage of 9/11 the kind of relentless undercover research and historical contextualization that long ago established his reputation as one of our leading journalistic researchers of conspiracies.Written under contract for HarperCollins, this book passed legal review at Harper and received extensive editorial support, but was cancelled suddenly in early 2003 with little explanation. (In 2000 Harper Perennial published the bestselling Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids.) The author created his own publishing entity (Ares Publishing) to print the manuscript. He and Origin Press plan an updated trade edition (with a new title) with a September 11, 2004 publication date.
Author Biography: Jim Marrs is an award-winning journalist whose books Crossfire and Rule by Secrecy reached the New York Times bestseller list. His book Alien Agenda (Harper, 1997) is widely considerred to be one of the most comprehensive and balanced journalistic accounts of the ET phenomenon.
Paperback: 320 pages