Product Description
by Walter Mosley
"Walter Mosley's What Next dares to propose that African Americans can have a voice and play a leading role in creating world peace. It challenges global capitalism, which profits from creating wars, hunger and death around the world. It condemns our government's corrupt political leadership and its subservience to corporations as opposed to the democratic will of the people. And perhaps most provocative of all, it encourages everyday people to take action to bring about world peace." "Shocked by the events of 9/11 (witnessed from his New York apartment), bestselling author Mosley like many other Americans, questioned why our enemies hate us so. Mosley's answer did not come from the endless news coverage, but from conversations he had as a child and as an adult with his father. These conversations provided a background and a filter for Mosley to explore what it means for African Americans to be Americans, to be attacked by America's enemies, and to stand for world peace." "Reader be warned: this is not another 9/11 book. Mosley argues, for African Americans, with centuries of experience fighting against slavery, racism and oppression, the struggle for global equality is a natural role." Directed primarily to African Americans, embraceable by all, What Next is a call to action for bringing about world peace.
Hardback: 142 pages