Product Description
by Ayo Salami
Table of contents:
1. Ori;
a. What is Ori;?
b. What does the Ori; do?
c. I®pi;n and A®ya¯nmo;ô
d. Contentment with Ori;
e. Some songs to Ori;
f. Destiny and Sin
g. Summary
2a. Evaluation of the man from birth to death
a. A®bi;ku;
b. Birth of the baby on earth
c. E®·se¯ôn¯ta;ye;
d. Naming ceremony
e. Names
f. O®gu;n Oni;kila¯, facial Marks and Circumcision
g. Youth and Adolescence
2b. Evaluation of Man from birth to death II
h. Marriage
i. Attributes of a good husband
j. Attributes of a good woman
k. Polygamy
l. Dressing of a Yoru¯ba; person
m. Divorce
n. Old age
2c. Evaluation of Man from birth to death III
o. Death
p. Burial Ceremony
q. A®ku;da¯
r. After death
s. Punishment of sins
t. Heaven and its setup
u. Ancestral Stage
v. Widowhood
w. Estate Sharing
3a. Evil Ethics and Justice
x. Sixteen virtues of Ifa;
y. Physically committed offences and their punishment
z. Spiritually Committed offences and their punishment
aa. Marital Infidelity
3b. Oath taking
4. Divine Warnings, Danger Signals, Ethical Beliefs and Superstitions
5. Greetings in Yoru¯ba; land
6. Impact of Religion on the socio cultural heritage of the Yoru¯ba; man
a. Ori;ki¯
b. Chiefs and their functions
c. Aje; and its Economic connotation
d. Cleanliness
e. Arrangement of compounds
7. Seasons, days, weeks and the Year
8. Medicinal implication of Ifa; verses and practices
a. Disease Presentation and Treatment
9. Scientific Implication
10. Man and Iwa Pele
Paperback: 400 pages