Product Description
by Ayo Salami
Table of contents:
1. Perception of God
2. Some O®ri¯sa¯ and E·boôra
a. Color preference of O®ri¯sa¯
b. O·ba¯ta;la;
c. Sa¯ngo;
i. Punishment by Sa¯ngo;
d. O®gu;n
i. Modern Day Relevance of O®gu;n
e. Egu;ngu;n
i. Owning an Egu;ngu;n
f. O®·so;ôo¯ôsi¯
g. O®·sanyi¯n
h. O®gbo;ni E·ku¯n
i. Other deities in Yoru¯ba; land
j. Sixteen cowry Divination
k. Summary
2c. E®sôu¯
a. Who is E®sôu¯?
b. E®sôu¯ and Satan
c. E®sôu¯ and Iku;
d. Foods and Taboos of E®sôu¯
e. Location and presentation of E®sôu¯
f. Devotees of E®sôu¯
3. O®·ru;nmi¯la¯
a. Osu;hunle;ôyo¯ô the wife of A®gboônni¯re¯gu;n
b. Ape¯ôte¯ôbi; the wife of O®ôru;nmi¯la¯
c. O®·sôun the wife of O®ôru;nmi¯la¯
d. The towns he had been
e. Dressing
f. Obi¯ E®·se¯ô, (obi¯ O®·seô¯)
g. O®·ru;nmi¯la¯ returned to heaven
h. Life after O®·ru;nmi¯la¯
i. O®·ru;nmi¯la¯ is coming back
j. Summary
4. Articles of Divination
a. Arrival of O®·pe¯ôle¯ô
b. How O¯ôpe¯ôle¯ô became a chain
c. I®bo¯
5. Divination types, steps and methods
a. How is divination done in Ifa;? First scenario
b. Selection of Ikin from the bowl
c. Second scenario
d. Wish making of the client
e. I®juba¯ of the Babala;wo
f. Casting of the instrument
i. O®·pe¯ôle¯ô
ii. Ikin
g. Manipulation of Ikin, or O®·pe¯ôle¯ô with the I®bo¯
h. Good fortune, Ire
i. What do we do for the Ire to come to us?
ii. A®ye¯ôwo¯, cross examination
a. Cross Examination of the client
b. Inquisition of E·boô and prescription
c. Pin pointing the eôboô
d. Group divination
e. Personal Divination
f. Other functions of I®bo¯
6a. Verses of Ifa;
g. Revelation of the verses of Ifa;
h. Explanation of the verses to a layman
i. Structure of Ifa; verses
j. Coinage of names of Olu;wo
6b. Forms of Ifa; verses
i. Prayers
j. Adaboô, A®di¯mu;
k. Incantations
l. Proverbs
7a. Communication with the Divine World, Institute of Sacrifice
m. Articles necessary for sacrifice
7b. Instructions on articles of sacrifice
n. Scenarios of the Instruments to use
o. Verses of A®di¯mu;
p. Days after the sacrifice
q. Offering of Kola nuts
r. Necessary steps for Kola nuts offering
i. Coconut rind
ii. Throwing the kola
iii. Conclusion
8. O·du;n Ifa;
9. Sixteen major Odu¯
a. Arrangement of Odu¯ signature
b. Taboos of Odu¯
10. First and second hands of Ifa;
a. Functions of a hand of Ifa;
b. Consecration of the Ikin
c. Feeding
d. Divination using the Ikin
e. Limitation of this stage
f. Prelude to initiation
11. O·moô Awo
a. Duties of O·moô awo
12. Initiation
a. What does I®teôfa; do?
b. Getting Started
c. Initiation of Women
d. Repudiation of faith
e. Summary
13. The priests of the religion
a. What does a Babala;wo represents?
b. Female Priests
c. Dressing of I®ya;ni;fa;
14. Chieftaincy titles
a. Modern day contribution
b. Basic Attributes of a chief of Ifa;
c. Process of Disengagement of a chief of Ifa;
15. Drums and Dancing
16. Prayers for different times